The Rus Project

Updated 1th of December 2010

The Rus project did a pioneer work by starting the first Finnish Viking ship project in 1991.
Our activity is related to marine-archæological experimental work on amateur and voluntary basis. Members of the project build ship replicas and sail them the way they were sailed in ancient times. Also life on board is in harmony with the time.
We co-operate with like-minded all over the world.

General information

Sections of the project:

Lapuri find - Viking ship wreck which stands as a model for our replica boats.

Rus replica - this our first ship was dramatically wrecked in 1994.

Heimløsa Rus replica - conquering Europe.

Third replica - ship under construction.

The dug out boat - means of conveyance for the ancient eastfarer.

Shnjaka - sailing a sewn shnjaka-replica in Russian Karelia in 2005

Literary production - books and articles by the project.

Viking music - our folkmusic group TSAKKU interprets the musical world of the Viking Age.

Links - web sites with related topics.

NEWS - latest news of the project

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All rights of the photos reserved by Fredrik Koivusalo

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